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PBMEF Indicators

Are you on a successful path to ending tuberculosis (TB)? This group of indicators will help you answer that question by providing standardized comparisons across the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) TB priority countries. These indicators are intended to help measure each outcome and impact; help decision-makers answer questions; and measure progress towards global and individual country targets.

chart icon Contains example visualizations with real data.

Core Indicators


[BAC_CON (previously DT-12)] Percent Bacteriologically Confirmed chart icon
[CON_SCRN (previously CI-1)] Percent of Contacts Screened for TB chart icon
[DT_RT (previously DT-3)] TB Detection Rate (Treatment Coverage) chart icon
[MDR_NOTIF (previously RN-1)] RR/MDR-TB Notifications chart icon
[PEDS_NOTIF (previously CH-5)] Childhood TB Notifications chart icon
[PR_NOTIF (previously PR-1)] Private Sector TB Notifications chart icon


[DR_TSR (previously RS-1)] DR-TB Treatment Success Rate chart icon
[DS_TSR (previously SS-1)] DS-TB Treatment Success Rate chart icon


[TPT_ENROLL (previously PT-1)] TPT Initiations chart icon


National Level Indicators



[TX_DR_OUT_DIED (previously RS-2)] DR-TB Treatment Outcomes: Died chart icon
[TX_DR_OUT_FAIL (previously RS-3)] DR-TB Treatment Outcomes: Treatment Failed chart icon
[TX_DR_OUT_LOST (previously RS-4)] DR-TB Treatment Outcomes: Lost to Follow-Up (LTFU) chart icon
[TX_DR_OUT_NEVAL (previously RS-5)] DR-TB Treatment Outcomes: Not Evaluated chart icon
[TX_DR_OUT_SUCC (previously RS-1B)] DR-TB Treatment Outcomes: Success
[TX_DS_OUT_DIED (previously SS-2)] DS-TB Treatment Outcomes: Died during Treatment chart icon
[TX_DS_OUT_FAIL (previously SS-3)] DS-TB Treatment Outcomes: Treatment Failed chart icon
[TX_DS_OUT_LOST (previously SS-4)] DS-TB Treatment Outcomes: Lost to Follow-Up (LTFU) chart icon
[TX_DS_OUT_NEVAL (previously SS-5)] DS-TB Treatment Outcomes: Not Evaluated chart icon
[TX_DS_OUT_SUCC (previously SS-1B)] DS-TB Treatment Outcomes: Success


[TPT_CON_04 (previously PT-7)] Number of TPT Initiations among Contacts <5 chart icon
[TPT_PLHIV_ENROLL (previously PT-8)] Number of TPT Initiations among PLHIV chart icon


Project Level Indicators





[SN_STGMA_ASSESS (previously SN-32B)] TB Stigma Assessment/Gap Analysis Available
[SN_STGMA_NSP (previously SN-32A)] TB Stigma Reduction in NSP
[STKOUT_FLD (previously SN-42)] Stockout of Any First-line TB Treatment Drugs
[STKOUT_SLD (previously SN-43)] Stockout of Any Second-line TB Treatment Drugs

Extended Indicators

Active Case Finding (AF)

Childhood TB (CH)

Contact Investigation (CI)

Drug-Resistant TB Notifications (RN)

Drug-Resistant TB Treatment Success (RS)

Healthcare Worker Screening (HW)

Presumptive TB (PS)

Prevention (PV)

Private Sector (PR)

Sustainability (SN)

[SN-35] NTP Capacity
[SN-18] TB Screening

TB Detection (DT)

TB Preventive Treatment (PT)

TB Treatment Success (SS)