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TPT Completions

References in the content below refer to the PBMEF Guide.


Number of contacts or other eligible people who completed TB preventive treatment (TPT) during the reporting period. 

During a given reporting period, the cohort of people who initiated TPT should be tracked to monitor the number who complete TPT. Completion data should be disaggregated by: 

  1. Household contacts ages <5 years 
  2. Household contacts 5 years and up 
  3. People living with HIV (PLHIV)


Number of contacts or other eligible people who completed TPT during the reporting period.


Ref #
Tier Level
Core Plus Indicator
Unit of Measure
Number of people
Data Type
Age (0–4, 5–14, 15+)
Risk group (contacts, PLHIV)
Reporting Level
Core Plus indicators should be reported at the national level; data may also be reported subnationally or at the project level if national data is not available.
Reporting Frequency
This indicator should be reported on an annual basis at a minimum. More frequent monitoring on a quarterly or monthly basis is recommended.

The data sources for this indicator may vary country to country. In some settings, data will be found in the TB register, TPT register, antiretroviral therapy (ART) register, or electronic management systems at the health facility and district level. This indicator can be calculated using a standard (World Health Organization) WHO indicator that can be calculated using the WHO Global TB Programme Database variable name: newinc_con_prevtx_cmplt + hiv_all_tpt_completed.

Successful completion of TPT for eligible people is a performance indicator for TPT scale up. TPT is one of the key interventions with targets set at the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) and recommended by the WHO to achieve the End TB Strategy targets. It is also a component of the USAID strategy to provide TPT to 30 million people by 2030. This indicator, along with the number of people who initiate TPT, measures country-level progress toward meeting targets set in a country’s national strategic plan (NSP) or aligned with the UNHLM targets.

Historically, TPT initiation was the only TB prevention indicator recorded by National TB Programs. In the past several years, however, the global community has made a concerted effort to monitor TPT outcomes and the completion of TPT. A person’s level of protection from a course of TPT depends on the extent to which they are able to complete a full course of TPT. Therefore, it is important to monitor this indicator together with TPT initiations to ensure that a high percent of people who initiated TPT complete their treatment.

This indicator is 1 of 4 indicators reported to the U.S. Congress as required on an annual basis. See Report to Congress on the Prevention of Tuberculosis. Monitoring this indicator in the TPT cascade is a measure of impact and identifies where in the cascade there are gaps in screening, testing for TB infection (TBI), and initiating or completing TPT.

There are no related indicators for this indicator.

Indicator Visualizations

We do not currently have an indicator visualization for this indicator. Please check back later.


January, 2024: Created based on the Interim PBMEF Tuberculosis Indicator Compendium.