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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where do these data come from?

The data used to generate visualizations on the hub come from the World Health Organization, and are updated when new data are available.

Can I reuse the data?

Yes, all the data displayed in the part of the site that does not require a log-in are public and can be re-used as you wish.

How do I navigate the TB DIAH Data Hub?

Watch the "Introduction to the TB DIAH Data Hub" video to learn more about how to navigate the website and explore the different features such as dashboards, charts, indicators, and more. Download the instructions (PDF, 515KB).

How do I adjust the data displayed?

Any chart type in the site that has multiple data elements can be adjusted to focus on the data that interests you the most. By selecting a specific data element in the key displayed below the chart, you can remove or re-add that specific data element.

How do I download/print a chart?

Once you have the chart displayed the way you would like, select the three-line menu (sometimes referred to as the hamburger menu) displayed in the upper right corner of the chart. This lets you view or download a copy of the underlying data (in CSV or Excel format), print the chart, or download a copy of the chart in a number of formats for you to save, share, or use in a document.

Can I view or download the data table for a chart?

Yes, this is one of the options in the line menu, as described in the answer above.

Can I request the TB-DIAH team to create more charts?

For us to evaluate the request and discuss it with USAID for potential inclusion in the Hub, please submit your request to, with as much detail as you can regarding what data would be included, how often and where they would get updated, what user groups would use the charts and what types of use you would expect people would get out of them.

How do I use the Data Explorer?

There are instructions on the Data Explorer landing page and its sub-pages. Follow this link to instructions for the Data Explorer.