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Quality of TB Services Assessment (QTSA) Explorer

The Quality of TB Services Assessment (QTSA) is a facility-based survey designed to evaluate the quality of tuberculosis (TB) services provided by health facilities in a specific country. It can be designed to generate results that are representative at the national level. The QTSA uses a framework that categorizes all the elements of quality of care into three domains: the structure of the health facility, the service delivery process, and the outcomes of service delivery.

The QTSAs, which are conducted in close collaboration with National TB Programs (NTPs), provide countries with detailed information about which services are of high quality and where there are gaps, so they can make informed decisions about where to invest future resources. These surveys generate a wealth of information that helps us grow the knowledge base on quality of care. Access related QTSA resources or read more about the QTSA Data

Purpose of the QTSA Data Explorer

The QTSA Data Explorer allows users to review key QTSA indicators of interest, either in the context of other related indicators from the same country or to examine similar indicators across multiple QTSA countries. By enabling users to view these indicators in an interactive way, the QTSA Data Explorer strives to make the information and knowledge that is available through the QTSAs (and embedded in the detailed QTSA country technical reports) more accessible to TB stakeholders, particularly those interested in examining the factors that affect quality of TB services.

Example Charts

The following charts serve as examples of the types of visualizations that can be created using the chart-builder (below).

Plot Selected QTSA Indicators

Enter the title you would like to appear in your chart.
Select your desired filters and click on "Apply" to see results.
Select your desired filters and click on "Apply" to see results.

About the Data

The data used to generate the visualizations and tables through the QTSA Explorer were collected through QTSAs conducted in Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Philippines, and Uganda. Data from the QTSA provides national level values for standardized indicators collected in each country.

The data here are grouped in two categories: Calculated Indicators and Variables. Each indicator is also tagged with relevant TB technical areas to allow for ease of searching indicators of interest through the QTSA Definition Search feature below.

Disclaimer/Limitations to the Data

  • Though QTSA variables are standardized across each QTSA country, data was collected at different time points which can limit comparability.
  • Data cannot be used to show trends over time.
  • Data reported in the QTSA data explorer may differ from the data presented in the country reports due to differences in how indicators were defined at the country level versus standard global definitions used in the data explorer.

Common Features across the QTSA Data Explorer

  • Generating visualizations using filters
  • Toggling between "Chart" and "Table" displays of the data
  • Downloading the data or chart image using the menu

Provide Feedback

If you have suggestions about how to make this section better fit your needs, please let us know.

Other QTSA Resources

In addition to the QTSA Data Explorer, other QTSA products for multiple countries can be found in Knowledge Hub including global QTSA tools, country-specific reports, country-specific tools, infographics, and other publications.

Explore Data Elsewhere on the TB DIAH Data Hub

In addition to the Data Explorer pages linked above, the TB DIAH Data Hub contains multiple sections featuring a suite of prebuilt TB data visualizations representing the TB priority countries. These sections, linked below, include summary, country, and thematic dashboards, as well as a Performance-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PBMEF) indicator reference section paired with its related data.

PBMEF Section

An interactive way to learn about the PBMEF indicators and view associated data

Summary Dashboard

Contains charts of aggregated TB priority country data with helpful descriptions

Country Dashboards

Contains country-specific dashboards of USAID TB priority countries

COVID-19 Dashboard

Visualizes the ongoing impact of the pandemic on countries’ and the global TB response

DR-TB Dashboard

Provides a snapshot of the drug-resistant TB situation in priority countries

Contact Investigation Dashboard

Provides a snapshot of TB contact investigation in priority countries