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Percent of Notified RR/MDR-TB Cases with DST Results for Second-line TB Drugs

References in the content below refer to the PBMEF Guide.


Percentage of laboratory-confirmed pulmonary RR-TB/MDR-TB cases tested for susceptibility to second-line TB drugs (fluoroquinolones) among lab-confirmed pulmonary RR-TB/MDR- TB notified cases during the reporting period.


Number of new or previously treated bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary TB patients with resistance to rifampicin and with test results for any fluoroquinolones during reporting period. WHO database: rr_dst_rlt_fq


Number of new or previously treated bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary RR-TB/MDR-TB notified cases during the reporting period. WHO database: rr_new PLUS rr_ret

Ref #

(Previously RN-3)

Tier Level

Extended Indicator

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