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Private Sector TB Notifications

References in the content below refer to the PBMEF Guide.


Number of people with new and relapse TB of all forms (bacteriologically confirmed plus clinically diagnosed) notified by private non-national TB program (NTP) providers in the reporting period.

Per the WHO’s definition/ database, private non-NTP providers include private individual and institutional providers, corporate/business sector providers, mission hospitals, and other clinics or hospitals managed by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and faith-based organizations.



Number of people with new and relapse TB of all forms (bacteriologically confirmed plus clinically diagnosed) notified by private non-NTP providers in the reporting period.


Ref #
(Previously PR-1)
Tier Level
Core Indicator
Core Outcome
Unit of Measure
Number of people
Data Type
Age (<15, 15+)
Reporting Level
All Core PBMEF indicators should be reported at the national level; data may also be collected subnationally for more granular monitoring.
Reporting Frequency
This indicator should be reported on a semiannual basis at a minimum. More frequent monitoring on a quarterly or monthly basis is recommended. Performance plans and reports (PPRs) for this indicator are based on calendar year (CY) periodicity to reflect national level attainment and align with the USAID congressional reporting requirements.

This indicator is reported from NTP official records. Some NTPs may include private sector notifications in their quarterly report on TB case registration, but this may vary country to country.

This standard WHO indicator can also be calculated using the WHO database variable priv_new_dx.

Over one-third of people estimated to have developed TB in 2021 were not detected and notified by NTPs, and there are considerable delays in people reaching a provider who could reliably diagnose their TB. Both issues can be addressed in part by engaging with private providers, since ~50% of people with TB symptoms in sub-Saharan Africa and ~75% in Asia first seek care from private providers.

This indicator measures the number of TB patients notified by private providers—which is the starting point for ensuring that TB patients identified by private providers will receive quality diagnosis and care.

Engaging with private sector healthcare providers is essential to achieve universal access to TB prevention and care services. Countries that have prioritized private sector engagement show increases in the contribution of the private sector to overall TB case notifications. Global and national goals in TB cannot be achieved unless private providers are engaged on a large scale.

Contributions from private facilities and care providers to the total number of TB notifications should be regularly monitored. Introducing and using simplified case reporting for the private sector through electronic reporting or app-based reporting are some of the interventions to encourage private sector reporting, but intermediary agencies who can engage with diverse private providers are typically also necessary.

Private sector TB notifications can be analyzed over time and/or between subregions. They can also be compared to the total number of TB notifications to determine the percent of all TB notifications that are coming from the private sector.

A further analysis of this indicator using granular data can also provide valuable insights into who these private providers are in terms of their geographic and institutional locations, as well as their share in private sector notifications. It may be possible that the majority of all private sector notifications come from just a few regular private sector institutions. Better understanding of these high and low performers may help to expand the private sector notification base. For countries with large contributions from private providers, a richer set of standard indicators could be used to distinguish contributions from (a) private for-profit vs. private not-for-profit; (b) providers at different levels of the healthcare system (pharmacies vs. primary care vs. secondary/tertiary care); and (c) private referrals vs. private case management.

Limitations in data use include inconsistent reporting on private sector notifications from countries and non-disaggregated data on nonprofit and for-profit private providers.

Indicator Visualizations


January, 2024: Updated the name, definition, and other information based on the Interim PBMEF Tuberculosis Indicator Compendium.