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Stockout of Any Second-line TB Treatment Drugs

References in the content below refer to the PBMEF Guide.


Occurrence of stockout of one or more second-line drug (SLD) for TB treatment at any TB treatment site or drug storage facility during the reporting period (quarter/annual). The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a stockout as the complete absence of a required drug at a storage point or delivery point for at least one day.

This is a Yes/No response for the initial part of the indicator. Only if Yes, then detailed disaggregated data should be provided

  • Generic names of TB treatment drugs
  • Geographic locations
  • Treatment site/drug storage facility
  • Central/regional/district level




Ref #
(Previously SN-43)
Tier Level
Project Level Indicators
Unit of Measure
Yes/No, if yes: name, location, site, level
Data Type
Boolean (Yes/No)
Generic Names of TB Treatment Drugs
Treatment Site/Drug Storage Facility
Central/Regional/District Level
Reporting Level
National, subnational
Reporting Frequency

Data for this indicator can be extracted from routine logistic management information systems, facility survey (i.e., SARA or QTSA) or routine supervision reports at facility and district levels.

A reliable, effective procurement and supply chain management (PSCM) is the backbone of the TB program to ensure (1) all TB medicines are available to the patient for treatment without any interruption; (2) all TB diagnostics and supplies are available in the healthcare centers where presumptive TB patients are diagnosed; (3) regular and timely delivery of the TB products to the health centers; and (4) quality assurance is adhered to and affordably priced products are delivered on time.

An effective and reliable PSCM requires timely and reliable quantification of all TB products (medicines, diagnostics, consumables) based on a regular inflow of information from the healthcare facility to the central ordering authority. This information should include the consumption, stock in balance, and the quantities needed for the next ordering cycle. Ideally healthcare facilities would have tools available for quantification and timely placement of a procurement order including the necessary lead time.

During visit to the program and for the purpose of evaluation; indication of an effective PSCM would be:

  • No STOCKOUT of any TB medicine
  • No STOCKOUT of any TB diagnostic products
  • No EXPIRY (expiration) of products both medicines and diagnostics as a result of underutilization or overstocking due to incorrect quantification (over-ordering)

With overstocking, one would need to consider underutilization as a result of changes in the treatment regimens as recommended by WHO; for example, shortened treatment regimens for drug-resistant (DR) TB, the use of second-line injectables that are no longer recommended, or a change in TB preventive treatment (TPT) regimen from 6H to 3HP. 

Example charts/graphs:

  • Charts or infographics by facility or aggregated by geographic location
  • Heat map
There are no related indicators for this indicator.

Indicator Visualizations

We do not currently have an indicator visualization for this indicator. Please check back later.


March, 2024: Updated the name, definition, and other information based on the Interim PBMEF Tuberculosis Indicator Compendium.