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Data Explorer

Translating tuberculosis (TB) data into actionable information can be challenging. First, one should ask the right question before diving into the available data: it helps to have a question in mind as you look for the variables that will help tell the story of data – no clear question means unclear answers. The Performance-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PBMEF) helps formulate and answer questions. A second challenge is that translating TB data into information can involve downloading and linking multiple data files, downloading a mobile application, requesting an account on a data platform, or having to extract data from a PDF. The TB DIAH Data Explorer removes these barriers, allowing users to generate, download, analyze, and share data tables and visualizations based on the indicators, locations, and years they select.

The Data Explorer includes TB data for the USAID TB supported countries. The data are generated from the National TB Programs and submitted annually to the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Stop TB Partnership (for United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) targets). The data query approach in this section is based on the PBMEF.

Please review the remaining information on this page, and then select one of the three options below to build your own data tables and visualizations.

Indicator Comparison

Compare one or more indicators over time or geography

Geographical Comparison

Compare regions and countries for one or more indicators over time

Quick Access

Build a table for an indicator or set of indicators

How to Use This Section

The pages linked above enable you to generate your own charts and tables of TB data by entering values in the filters and clicking "Apply". To query specific variables (which are a single, non-calculated number written in the format: variable_name (Dataset), just begin typing the variable name in the Indicators filter and then select it when it appears in the select list. In this same select list, you can also query PBMEF indicators, which are written as a whole phrase (such as TB Case Notification Rate (CNR)) and could be calculated using WHO Global TB Database (GTBD) variables. For example, TB Case Detection Rate or TB Treatment Coverage is calculated as (c_newinc / e_inc_num) * 100.

Transcript (PDF, 59.56 KB)

Common Features across the Data Explorer

  • Generating visualizations using filters
  • Toggling between "Chart" and "Table" displays of the data
  • Switching the chart type as desired
  • Downloading the data or chart image using the menu

Provide Feedback

If you have suggestions about how to make this section better fit your needs, please let us know.

Explore Data Elsewhere on the TB DIAH Data Hub

In addition to the Data Explorer pages linked above, the TB DIAH Data Hub contains multiple sections featuring a suite of pre-developed TB data visualizations representing the TB priority countries. These sections, linked below, include summary, country, and thematic dashboards, as well as a PBMEF indicator reference section paired with its related data.

PBMEF Section

An interactive way to learn about the PBMEF indicators and view associated data

Summary Dashboard

Contains charts of aggregated TB priority country data with helpful descriptions

Country Dashboards

Contains country-specific dashboards of USAID TB priority countries

COVID-19 Dashboard

Visualizes the ongoing impact of the pandemic on countries’ and the global TB response

DR-TB Dashboard

Provides a snapshot of the drug-resistant TB situation in priority countries

Contact Investigation Dashboard

Provides a snapshot of TB contact investigation in priority countries